With a little guidance and some good old-fashioned common sense, anybody can drive a Jeep® 4x4 off-road. Find out more about off-road driving below.


Always check your vehicle before driving off the road. Make sure the battery is secure, all hoses are in good condition, and the oil and fluids, including fuel, are at their best level. Also make sure that all four tyres are in good condition and inflated to the correct pressure. Avoid traveling alone, especially to unfamiliar places.


When you're off-road, engage the 4WD mode whenever you think you're facing a situation that requires extra traction. It is difficult to operate the 4WD function when stuck. Get into the habit of looking carefully everywhere, from left to right, so that you can clearly see what you meet along the way. Additionally, many off-road driving experts recommend keeping your thumbs pointing up and out of the way of the steering wheel spokes when negotiating rough terrain. In fact, if a wheel suddenly slips on a rock, the steering wheel can spin quickly and the thumb risks getting stuck between the spokes - what a pain! In general, on vehicles equipped with power steering, such as all Jeep® vehicles , the chance of the steering wheel suddenly turning is reduced.


Speed and power are unnecessary when off-road driving in rough terrain. In 4WD Low mode, the low gears and slow speed of Jeep® vehicles while idling will allow you to negotiate obstacles. In many cases, with a manual gearbox, releasing the clutch slowly and going over obstacles by engaging a low gear is the best option.


Normally, if there is snow or mud on the roadway, it is the right time to use the engageable 4WD traction system. Permanent systems like Quadra-Trac I® require no driver intervention. For heavy snowfall, when towing a load, or for more control at low speeds, shift into a low gear and, if necessary, engage 4WD-LOW mode on the transfer box (Quadra-Trac I does not have Low mode). Don't shift into a gear that is too low to maintain momentum. Overrevving the engine can cause the wheels to spin, resulting in loss of traction. If you begin to lose traction in snow or muddy terrain, rotate the steering wheel rapidly side to side. In this way the wheels will be able to recover friction on the clean surface, allowing you to start again. Once you lose traction, there's nothing you can do. The wheels spin and get bogged down deeper and deeper. It is vital to maintain momentum to advance.


For better traction on sand, reduce the tire pressure by 0.6-0.8 bar compared to that recommended for conventional tyres. (Restore the normal pressure level after use in such conditions). Engage 4WD High mode to maintain momentum to move forward. Depending on the sand conditions, it may be necessary to drive in 4WD Low mode or select different gears. Also try to make large turns if possible. Sharp turns will abruptly slow the vehicle and lock it up. Once again it is vital to keep up the momentum to advance.


When negotiating slopes, ALWAYS go up and down in a straight line. It would also be good to know what's on the other side before starting the climb. At the beginning of the climb you need to apply more power. Decrease the power as you get closer to the peak and before going over the top. If you get stuck on the way up, back up in a straight line. With a vehicle with a manual gearbox, you go downhill by always engaging the lowest gear. When going downhill in Low mode, do not disengage the clutch and let the vehicle coast. This could seriously damage the clutch disc. Allow the vehicle to slow down using the engine's gears and compression, and use the brakes only to regulate speed.
NOTE: NEVER drive uphill sideways. If the slope is very steep and you don't feel confident that you can make it in your vehicle, give up. Never drive across a steep slope as this can cause vehicle instability. Off-road driving can be very demanding. Remember: Go as slow as possible. Use common sense, and make safety your primary concern.


It's called "crawling" for a good reason. Select a low gear, engage 4WD Low mode, and let the vehicle coast to idle (minimizing acceleration) when negotiating rocks or tree stumps. Don't risk getting stuck straddling a boulder. A vehicle with a ground clearance of 25cm will never be able to pass a 30cm rock! Ride the wheel to the top of the rock and then slowly coast down. If you hear scraping, don't worry. The underbody protection and the side bars of your Jeep® 4x4s (equipment varies by model and packages purchased or leased) will absorb the impact. Reducing tire pressure by 0.2-0.3 bar increases traction and helps avoid punctures. (Restore the normal pressure level after use in such conditions). Remember: the ideal speed for negotiating rocky terrain is below 5 mph.


Leave the place in better condition than you found it. Follow all signs you encounter and stay on trails and recreational areas approved for off-road driving. Use common sense to protect the beauty and seclusion of the area. Don't leave anything behind and, better yet, also collect what may have been left by others. And if the ground seems particularly fragile, take an alternative route. Leave the place in better condition than you found it.